Consolidated Results Highlights

Consolidated Net Sales

Consolidated Net Sales
Period 152th 153th 154th 155th 156th
Fiscal year 03/2020 03/2021 03/2022 03/2023 03/2024
Consolidated Net Sales 29,047 30,509 33,448 36,838 33,531

(Unit : Millions of yen)

Consolidated operating profit and Profit attributable to owners of parent

Consolidated operating profit and Profit attributable to owners of parent
Period 152th 153th 154th 155th 156th
Fiscal year 03/2020 03/2021 03/2022 03/2023 03/2024
Consolidated operating profit 3,641 3,939 4,881 5,057 4,197
Profit attributable to owners of parent 2,621 2,758 3,472 4,079 3,327

(Unit : Millions of yen)

Consolidated ROE (Return on equity) ,Consolidated ratio of operating profit and Consolidated ROIC (Return On Invested Capital)

Consolidated ROE (Return on equity) ,Consolidated ratio of operating profit and Consolidated ROIC (Return On Invested Capital)
Period 152th 153th 154th 155th 156th
Fiscal year 03/2020 03/2021 03/2022 03/2023 03/2024
Consolidated ROE 7.0 6.9 8.1 9.2 7.2
Consolidated ROIC 6.8 6.8 7.9 7.9 6.3
Consolidated ratio of operating profit 12.5 12.9 14.6 13.7 12.5

(Unit : %)

Dividends per share, Consolidated DOE (Dividend on equity) and Consolidated payout ratio

Dividends per share, Consolidated DOE (Dividend on equity) and Consolidated payout ratio
Period 152th 153th 154th 155th 156th
Fiscal year 03/2020 03/2021 03/2022 03/2023 03/2024
Dividends per share 33.0 35.0 54.0 57.0 70.0
Consolidated DOE 2.1 2.1 3.0 3.0 3.5
Consolidated payout ratio 29.9 30.1 36.9 32.7 47.8

(Unit : Dividends per share : yen , Consolidated DOE and Consolidated payout ratio : %)