Speaking of phospholipid, Nippon Fine Chemical Speaking of phospholipid, Nippon Fine Chemical

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1.Phosopholipids knowledge 1.Phosopholipids knowledge

Phosopholipids knowledge

Phospholipids are surprisingly a part of our everyday lives.

The term "phospholipid" may seem a bit unfamiliar.
But in fact, they are found in fish, grains, and even in our bodies!

Phospholipids contained in various foods Phospholipids contained in various foods

We even have phospholipids in our bodies!

Current research finds that humans are made up of tens of trillions of cells.
All cells are surrounded and protected by a membrane called the cell membrane.
This membrane is in fact made of phospholipids.

Cell structure -What is cell membrane?- Cell structure -What is cell membrane?-

Look how tiny phospholipids are!

Phospholipids are only a few nm (nanometers) in size.
Suppose the Earth were 1 meter in size. By comparison,
phospholipids would be just the size of a ping-pong ball!

Size of the earth: about 12,742km
Assuming a ping-pong ball 4cm in size

If the Earth were 1m in size / 1 nanometer = 1 billionth of a meter If the Earth were 1m in size / 1 nanometer = 1 billionth of a meter
Let's compare sizes! Let's compare sizes!
Even our bodies have lots of phospholipids in them! Even our bodies have lots of phospholipids in them!
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