look no further than Nippon Fine Chemical
Phospholipids in the pharmaceutical field

the pharmaceutical field

Phospholipids in the pharmaceutical field

We consider it our mission to bring happiness to people through through drug development using phospholipids.
One of our focus areas at Nippon Fine Chemical is our lipids business.
Nippon Fine Chemical's lipids business sees its mission as improving QOL and making people happier through pharmaceuticals development driven by phospholipids.
Nippon Fine Chemical develops pharmaceutical liposomes utilizing phospholipids and high-purity cholesterol synthesized in-house. We have received numerous accolades within and without Japan in the field of liposome preparations.

Supporting next-generation nucleic acid-based pharmaceuticals through CDMO and LNP formulations
Today, the pharmaceutical sector is growing into increasingly more specialized sub-sectors.
We leverage our liposomization technology to actively support pharmaceutical development through a CDMO (Contract Development Manufacturing Organization) workflow. Nippon Fine Chemical is equipped to rapidly respond to customer needs using our proprietary liposomization technology.
Furthermore, we have a wide selection of phospholipids, such as those used in LNP (lipid nanoparticle) formulations like the COVID-19 vaccine, ranging from general-purpose on through to proprietary formulations. This is an area drawing attention for its use in next-generation medicine.
We help clients in the field of nucleic acid-based pharmaceuticals.

Bringing new value to nanomedicine through a total support system
In this way, we are equipped to offer everything from a wide lineup of materials like phospholipids and high-purity cholesterol to CDMO services for clients considering using liposomes/LNP formulations.
We have built a new, GMP-compliant plant to provide total support for our clients.
We're writing a new chapter in Nippon Fine Chemical's history!
Satisfying unmet medical needs while adding new value to nanomedicine.
When it comes to phospholipids, look no further than Nippon Fine Chemical.